Easter Weekend

he is risen today

Dear Families,

Newsletter update:

Given the holiday of Easter, activities has established weekend visiting ( family outside, resident inside ) for this weekend. Please keep visits to 15 minutes so we can clean the room and have staff designated to be with each resident. Please also no more than 1-2 visitors for the outside to ensure compliance with social distancing. Visitors must be at least 6 feet apart from one another even when outside. Please book these visits no later than this Friday, April 10th with either Sandy or Stephenie. Visiting schedule ( again family outside resident inside ) will be Saturday 4/11 from 10am-3pm and Sunday 4/12 from 10am-12 noon. We are asking that visits occur during the week 9a-4pm to allow for proper staffing and infection control.

  • Please see email sent regarding Joe offering prayer service for our families. We realize this time apart as well as coping with the pandemic are challenging. Joe will have a prayer service beginning 4/8, every Wednesday, from 10:30am-11am. Please dial in to: 978-990-5016, access code: 837174
  • The department of Health and Human Services has launched a nursing home family resource line if there are questions about long term care. Massachusetts nursing home family resource line (617) 660-5399 is staffed every day 9am-5pm.
  • The ombudsman remains active, if you have any needs please do not hesitate to call.

Again thank you for your patience and support. Our thoughts are with you as well. Please feel free to call me at any time:

Susan Downey, RN, MS, NHA ( office ) 508-753-4791, or ( cell ) 617-610-0400

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